Tag: eye health
Medical Study Shows That Yoga At Work Can Help To Reduce Eye Strain
Sitting in front of the computer for 8 to 12 hours can take its toll on your body. One of the most common discomforts suffered by many is eye strain. By regularly performing simple yoga exercises, you could effectively reduce the discomfort that comes with prolonged use of the computer. Medical Study A study conducted…
Our Top 5 Eye Disorders to Look Out For
Having healthy eyes is something that is often overlooked by those of us who have good enough vision to not think twice about it. For some people however, eye health is as much a concern as heart health or any other vital part of the body. Though we may overlook eye issues, it is important…
Want a long and healthy life? See your optician!
While looking for any interesting eye / glasses related news today I came across an interesting article on the Daily Mail website looking at 5 individual cases of people who took a simple trip to their local optician only to be told they have potentially life threatening health problems. Here are the 5 cases with…