Tag: Eye exercises
Eye Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms and Things You Can Do to Relieve It
Eye fatigue is a very common problem and it’s something that so many of us live with day-to-day. Eye fatigue or eye strain can happen at any time of day but particularly at night when you’ve had a long day at work and your eyes are in need of rest. Generally, eye fatigue is not…
3 Proven Exercises for Strabismus (lazy eye)
Strabismus is a condition that can affect both children and adults and is often caused by problems with the nerves in the eye’s neuromuscular system. Sometimes referred to as “cross eyed” or “wall eyed”, this eye disorder can present itself in a number of different ways and may not always be immediately noticeable. Strabismus defines…
Can Computer Screens Damage Our Eye Health?
Recent health reports have suggested that the overuse of computer technology could be responsible for damaging our visual health. But herein lies the problem; no matter what age, gender, job role or social status, we all spend most the hours of our day staring at screens. Whether it’s a computer screen, a laptop, tablet, our…
3 Ways to Reduce Your Chances of Experiencing Blurry Vision
Blurry vision is a nuisance, but can also seriously impair nearly every aspect of daily life — from causing headaches and eyestrain to making it difficult and dangerous to drive. If you are experiencing unexplained blurry vision, first and foremost, visit your doctor. Blurred vision can stem from numerous medical problems that should be diagnosed…