Category: Health & Information
Will Somebody Think of the Children!?
With all this lovely sunshine lately there has been fresh concern in the press recently about parents neglecting to protect their children’s eyesight from harmful UV Rays. As many as three out of four parents are guilty of such disregard towards their children’s own health. A poll of 2,000 people for the College of Optometrists…
Want a long and healthy life? See your optician!
While looking for any interesting eye / glasses related news today I came across an interesting article on the Daily Mail website looking at 5 individual cases of people who took a simple trip to their local optician only to be told they have potentially life threatening health problems. Here are the 5 cases with…
9 Great Tips for Protecting your Eyes from the Sun this Summer
As you rub sunscreen on to protect your skin this summer, don’t forget to protect your eyes as well. Summertime means more time spent outdoors, and studies show that exposure to bright sunlight may increase the risk of developing cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and growths on the eye, including cancer. For more on this,…
Stem Cell Contact Lenses Help Blind Patients See Again
Three patients in Australia have had their eyesight restored through the use of contact lenses cultured with the patient’s own stem cells collected from their working eye according to The Australian journal. Stem cell research is a very exciting prospect in the medical world right now. Stem Cells are special cells that have the ability…
Having Trouble Getting Your Pupillary Distance (PD) Could be a Thing of the Past
Over at Ira has posted a very interesting and encouraging article entitled Online Glasses: The Insurance Companies are Getting it. Ira is very much on the customer’s side when it comes to buying prescription glasses and often writes useful tips to help his readers understand the sometimes tricky and daunting world of buying glasses…
Bionic Eye Becomes a Reality Helping a Blind Man to See Again
We were very interested and excited to hear the news of a man who says he can now see flashes of light for the first time since he lost his sight 30 years ago thanks to a new bionic eye. It sounds like science fiction, but it is a great sign of what might actually…
New Article: Learn about the Anatomy of the Eye
Following on from a recent post regarding our glasses guide – guide to buying glasses online article, we have now posted a new article for those interested in learning a little bit about the structure of the eye, this article covers the following areas: Cornea Aqueous Iris Crystalline Lens Sclera Choroid Retina Vitreous Optic Nerve…
Professor focused on cheap glasses
We found an interesting article on the BBC News website earlier this week that we thought would be of interest to our readers: A retired Oxford University physics professor has designed adjustable glasses that can be used by people in the developing world. Professor Silver’s spectacles are altered by injecting tiny quantities of fluid into…
Friday Funnies: Optometry Jokes
While going through the morning ritual of visiting all my daily favourite website haunts before getting down to doing some work, I came across an interesting group on Facebook called “Optometry Jokes”. Hell I couldn’t keep these jokes to myself so decided to post them all on our Blog for those non ‘facebookers’ out there. …
Quarter of UK population endanger vision in downturn
A quarter of the UK population could be endangering their vision because of the financial downturn according to Action for Blind People (ABP). The charity is calling for people to get their eyes tested in the New Year and not to be put off by the economic downturn after a study revealed that many are…