Category: Designer Sunglasses
Oakley ‘Elite C Six’ Sunglasses for $4000 a pop…. Crikey!
For $4000 (or approximately £2400 at today’s exchange rate) you could buy the World’s Cheapest Car, the Tato Nano, for less than £1500, a Rolex Submariner 14060M watch for £2300, or a luxury week away for 2 in Italy. Alternatively, you could spend the lot on a pair of ultra limited edition Oakley Elite C…
Review: Rudy Project Rydon Sunglasses – ImpactX Photochromic Red
Continuing on from my previous post about Sunglasses for Mountain Biking I had the opportunity to try a pair of the Rudy Project Rydon Sunglasses featuring the ImpactX Photochromic Red Lenses during a Sunday ride out at a local 20 mile (30km) route through part of the beautiful North Downs in Kent, UK. The Ride…
The Hills are Alive – with MTB’ers! Sunglasses for Mountain Biking/Cycling
Mountain Biking is a fantastic sport for both the weekend warrior or the seasoned pro’s amongst us, whether you’re riding on a quaint English countryside single-track or blasting down the side of a mountain in the French Alps at over 60mph, Mountain Biking is guaranteed to get your heart pounding and the adrenalin flowing! Now…
Sunglasses Wearing Jenny Meadows Wins Bronze in Berlin
Pint-sized sunglasses wearing British athlete Jenny Meadows made a late charge last night to a brilliant Bronze medal in the 800m at the Athletics World Championship in Berlin. (Jenny Meadows on the far left). She was all but last when she began her final lap of the track and even as the athletes entered the…
You Even Need Sunglasses in Space – To Ban Those Rays
The other night we finally got to see the new British movie Moon by Duncan Jones and staring the excellent Sam Rockwell. I absolutely love this kind of intelligent sci-fi genre and have been waiting since the 40th anniversary of the Moon landings back in July to see this little movie, but its limited run…
Looking for Bono’s (U2) Latest Sunglasses?
Bono, or Paul David Hewson as he is known in real life, is best known for being the main vocalist of the massively popular Irish rock band U2. Since forming the band back in 1976 along with band members The Edge, Adam Clayton, and Larry Mullen, Jr, U2 have become massively successful on a global…
David & Victoria Beckham’s Sunglasses
David & Victoria Beckham are quite possibly one of the most famous celebrity couples on the planet right now with David famous for his football skills playing for Manchester United, Real Madrid and England, and of course his model good looks. While Victoria is famous for trying to sing with the Spice Girls and marrying…
Aviator ‘Style’ Sunglasses for the Summer Festival Season
Since our previous blog post “Retro/Funky Sunglasses for the Summer Festival Season“, Glastonbury 2009 has been and gone for another year, however, the festival season continues and there are plenty more excuses to get your sunnies ready for more fantastic events including V-Festival in August! Why not try the iconic Aviator style sunglasses frame that’s…
Johnny Depp and his Public Enemies Sunglasses
Just lately a few of us from have made good use of Orange’s fantastic Orange Wednesday promotion by paying regular visits to the cinema to see recent films such as Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Star Trek, and The Hangover. Last night we decided to check out Michael Mann’s new 1930’s cat and mouse…