Author: james

  • Gandhi’s Glasses Sell in $1.8 Million Auction

    It was an auction that nearly didn’t take place as the Californian seller James Otis announced he had had enough of the controversy being generated by the sale of a number of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s personal effects. The Indian government had expressed anger over the sale of the national treasures which included Gandhi’s trademark, round…

  • Follow us on Twitter

    SelectSpecs is now on twitter. Follow us at Twitter is a social networking or micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and receive little text-based updates up to 140 characters in length known as ‘tweets’. Twitter is the new ‘cool’ thing for the facebook generation and has many high profile users including Barack…

  • Bionic Eye Becomes a Reality Helping a Blind Man to See Again

    We were very interested and excited to hear the news of a man who says he can now see flashes of light for the first time since he lost his sight 30 years ago thanks to a new bionic eye. It sounds like science fiction, but it is a great sign of what might actually…

  • Even Heroes Wear Glasses

    Heroes is back on our TV at long last with the continuation of the 3rd season, titled Volume Four: Fugitives.  As big fans of the show, we decided to look back at the characters of the top NBC / BBC show, paying special attention to Heroes who have perhaps less-than-heroic eyesight.  It seems that despite…

  • New Article: Learn about the Anatomy of the Eye

    Following on from a recent post regarding our glasses guide – guide to buying glasses online article, we have now posted a new article for those interested in learning a little bit about the structure of the eye, this article covers the following areas: Cornea Aqueous Iris Crystalline Lens Sclera Choroid Retina Vitreous Optic Nerve…

  • SelectSpecs Rocks!

    We receive parcels everyday containing customer’s own glasses that they have sent to us either to be re-glazed to replace damaged lenses or updated with their new prescription from a recent eye test, or because they would like us to perform a PD (Pupillary Distance) Check on an old pair of prescription glasses when ordering…

  • Buying Glasses Online, a Guide

    Are you a new customer looking to buy glasses online for the first time? Not sure how to get your prescription from your optician or don't quite understand the layout or terminology used?  Well can help you. We have recently written a short guide to buying your glasses online that will hopefully help those…

  • Cool Cases for your Designer Glasses, Sunglasses and Spectacles!

    Every day we receive deliveries of various designer glasses and sunglasses with their respective protective cases from our suppliers to fulfill all our orders.  This means we get to see some of the work that has gone into creating the different frame styles and protective cases created by the designers.  In the past few weeks…

  • Professor focused on cheap glasses

    We found an interesting article on the BBC News website earlier this week that we thought would be of interest to our readers: A retired Oxford University physics professor has designed adjustable glasses that can be used by people in the developing world.  Professor Silver’s spectacles are altered by injecting tiny quantities of fluid into…

  • Friday Funnies: Optometry Jokes

    While going through the morning ritual of visiting all my daily favourite website haunts before getting down to doing some work, I came across an interesting group on Facebook called “Optometry Jokes”.  Hell I couldn’t keep these jokes to myself so decided to post them all on our Blog for those non ‘facebookers’ out there. …