Author: james
Bionic Vision System Helps Blind Man See
Whilst glasses are the obvious option for those who struggle with their eyesight, for people who suffer from total blindness, there have been very few options available, until very recently. A pioneering system called the Iris II, made by Pixium is currently being trialled in a small selection of specialist eye hospitals across Europe, so…
Tech: Groundbreaking Electronic Glasses Could Ease Driver Safety
Could a firm from Cambridge solve the age old problem of driving in the dark? Well my friends now is certainly the time. We all know that there are both risks and perils of driving at night. The squinting of the eyes not to mention the tiredness. You may open a window in order to…
Ultra-Reflective Specs Prove Nightmare For Paparazzi
Way back when we all went a little goo goo for Lady Gaga. The pint sized star dazzled us all with her Poker Face. Then of course came her obsession with Paparazzi. We all remember (or some of us do) when she wore that infamous dress made from carnivorous animals. Yet the meatilicious Gaga turned…
The Biggest Eye Health Myths… Busted!
From telling us that carrots make us see in the dark (which is kind of true by the way) to telling us not to sit too close to the TV, our parents have been telling us all sorts of strange things about how best to look after our eyesight. But which of these things contain fact…
You Can Now Explore Mars Thanks to Microsoft HoloLens
If the closest you’ve ever come to exploring Mars is nibbling on a chocolate bar, you’ll likely be excited that, by putting on a Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality headset, you can now explore the Red Planet’s rocky terrain. Yes, it’s very much a virtual experience – but also a great indicator of how far the…
What is Corneal Sunburn and How Can We Prevent It?
Corneal sunburn or a ‘corneal flash burn’ is essentially sunburn on your eye. The clear layer covering the front of your eyes forms the cornea and this area can be damaged from over exposure to sunlight and UV radiation.When this happens, symptoms include pain as well as temporary loss of vision. To prevent cornea sunburn,…
3 Reasons Why You Need Sunglasses for Driving in Winter
Sunglasses may seem like the last thing you think about in the winter months, but as research has shown time and time again, that UVA and UVB protection for our eyes is just as important in the colder season as it is in the summer. And in addition to protecting our eyes from sun damage,…