Author: james

  • Surprising Careers for People Who Wear Glasses

    I have been shortsighted since I was a small child. I love the freedom of wearing my contact lenses for sports, and I’m also a big fan of chunky statement frames for computer work, which I wear with pride! However, I used to think that some careers wouldn’t be accessible for me due to my poor eyesight. It…

  • 6 Essential Rules to Choosing Glasses Online

    It is time to look through the looking glass that little bit further. Do you know your bifocals from your varifocals? Not focused at all on achieving the right look? Well, fret not dear friends as help is at hand. When it comes to selecting the correct of pair glasses there are numerous aspects to…

  • Framing Fashion: A Hip History of Spectacles

    Glasses were originally designed to correct our sight, a medical aid for people with impaired vision. Although their style has been influenced by fashion throughout history, it wasn’t until the 20th century that specs became cool in their own right. We explore how spectacles have become a major style statement! Let’s start in the 15th…

  • 3 Practical Benefits of Rimless Glasses

    There are hundreds of different styles of rimless glasses to choose from with the stock here at SelectSpecs – and, indeed, just looking at these frames on our site could make you eager to splash out! However, rimless spectacles look so good that their practical benefits can be all too easy to overlook. This article…

  • Surgeons Perform Pioneering Operation to Find Cure for Blindness

    Surgeons at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London have performed an operation many are saying could lead to a cure for blindness. The operation performed last month on a 60-year old woman who developed Macula Degeneration involved “seeding” a tiny patch of healthy eye cells and implanting it at the back of the retina. So how can this help…

  • How a Bookworm Can Benefit from Good Reading Glasses

    For many of us, there are few experiences that relax and satisfy more than sitting down somewhere comfortable and getting stuck into a book. Exciting new novels are getting published daily, while classic literary works from the likes of Dickens, Austen and the Brontë sisters can be freely downloaded to ebook readers. Still, however and…

  • Why Wooden & Bamboo Glasses are Great for Green Living

    Maybe you are an out-and-proud environmentalist, living in the countryside, or routinely recycles your rubbish without fail.  You could even boast membership of Greenpeace and regularly vote for the Green Party; whatever the reasons you consider yourself as an eco warrior, you could find glasses made from wood or bamboo are right down your street……

  • How to Replace Yellowed Nose Pads on your Glasses

    Many people who routinely wear glasses will be able to relate to the experience of taking them off only to notice that the nose pads have become more… well, yellow. Yellowing of these pads can occur over time as the pads are affected by sweat on the nose skin that they rest on and we…

  • Tips for Choosing the Right Glasses for Enjoying Summer

    Of course, looking good while out and about is bound to be high on your priority list this summer – and our Fashion & Lifestyle magazine has loads of ideas for super-stylish eyewear you could impress passers-by with. However, glasses without the necessary functions for your needs can all-too-easily impair your summer fun, no matter how good…

  • Tips for Choosing a Stylish But Practical Glasses Case

    Do you consider the case for your glasses to be a mere functional thing, something just for keeping your spectacles safe from inadvertent scratches and other damage? Nonsense! A glasses case can be so much more. It can, much like the rest of your attire including the specs, prove a subtle but crucial addition to…