Author: james

  • 5 Ways to Treat, Soothe and Manage Blepharitis

    Blepharitis is a common condition, one which occurs with 1 in every 20 patients who complain of eye related problems at NHS GPs. This condition causes the eyelids or the corner of the eyes to become red, sore, itchy and inflamed and it can cause eyelids to stick together. Signs of Blepharitis are swelling around…

  • Microsoft HoloLens: The True Future of Augmented Reality?

    Tech companies are certainly doing some clever stuff with glasses at the moment – to the extent that an emerging product category, that of “smart glasses”, has been tipped to see sales of over 12 million by 2020. We’ve been particularly intrigued by one of the early projects in this area, Google Glass – but…

  • 7 Lifesaving Products for Tired Eyes or Dry/Irritated Eyes

    Whether you get dry eyes and irritation from your contact lenses, suffer from Blepharitis or another medical condition, or you just struggle with general eye discomfort, there are plenty of products out there that can help to soothe your symptoms. Here are our top 7 lifesaving products for tired eyes or dry/irritated eyes, and they’re all affordable…

  • 6 Do’s and Dont’s for Contact Lens Wearers

    When it comes to contact lenses, the UK market is growing as much as Donald Trump’s support, and we definitely know the score as far as lenses are concerned. If you don’t believe us why not take a peak at our extensive collection of contact lenses.  In 2013, the market was estimated to be worth…

  • Half of Global Population will Require Specs by 2050

    When it comes to that old favourite, Marmite it tends to split individuals. Some either love it or hate it. However, are you a glasses half full or empty kinda person? Never mind about seeing the world through rose tinted spectacles, check this out for size. It seems that in less than four decades, half the…

  • Easy Solutions to Annoying Makeup & Glasses Problems

    Are you a glasses wearer who likes to wear makeup? Then you probably have a love-hate relationship with cosmetics. Makeup is a blessing for hiding those blemishes and enhancing your eyes, but it brings with it some unavoidable problems when you wear glasses all day. We’re taking smudged foundation on your frames, flaking mascara on you lenses and more. Sound familiar? If…

  • Can Sunglasses Affect Your Mood?

    If you’re a regular reader of the SelectSpecs blog, you’ll know that sunglasses have many great benefits – they reduce glare and eye strain, they act as a barrier against dust and debris and most importantly, they protect the eyes from the sun’s damaging Ultra Violet rays. But could sunglasses also have an effect on how we…

  • All Eyes on Hipster Pooch with Spectacular Viral Appeal



    Is it a bird, is it a plane no, it’s an Instagram glasses wearing dog. That’s right you heard us straight. Now put down your iPhone for just one cotton second and listen up. We all know too well the influence social media has had on society. Whether you are a food porn paparazzo or…

  • Happy World Book Day! Children’s Fancy Dress Costumes with Glasses!



    Happy World Book Day from Select Specs! We love World Book Day because it’s a rare opportunity to celebrate some of the best children’s literature ever written (both new and old), it’s a chance for parents to encourage reading and learning in kids, and it’s one of the only days in the year when you…

  • Juicing for Better Health: Eyesight Improving Juices

    Juicing has become a huge trend in the UK. From trying to inspire healthier eating habits in the family to encouraging weight loss with a vitamin-rich juice diet, there’s no denying that a fresh and all-natural juice every now and again (whether for meal replacement or just as a tasty snack) is good for your body…