How to Protect Your Eyes from Screen Glare

Have you ever bought yourself a shiny new laptop, tablet or mobile?

If the answer is yes, then you may have experienced a scenario similar to this:

You unpacked the device from its box, powered it up, and were instantly mesmerised by how everything was beautiful and new. However, after using the device for leisurely browsing or work, you quickly come to realise the screen is highly-reflective, almost like a mirror.

Despite your best efforts to adjust the screen brightness and contrast, begrudgingly, you finally admit it: the screen is nothing more than a glare magnet!

Screen glare is a genuine nuisance, and can often lead to eye strain and headaches. Luckily, however,  there are several things you can do to mitigate this contemporary dilemma.

Not All Screens Are Made Equally

Many years of working in IT and as a freelance writer taught me that screens vary massively.

Some of the most expensive screens may have crisp, sharp displays – but they can also be the worst offenders when it comes to glare.

The secret is to make sure that you both see and try using a screen before purchasing one. You’ll be amazed at the difference in glare that screens have.

From my own recent experience, I remember walking into a computer shop and instantly noticing one monitor that was completely unaffected by intense sunlight streaming into the store. The other dozen or so monitors couldn’t handle the bright light (despite some of them being advertised as anti-glare).

The lesson here is to definitely view and compare screens before making a purchase.

A post shared by Fariz Mamedov (ex Джокеры) (@fariz_mamedov) on Mar 1, 2017 at 2:42am PST

Additionally, try to spend the most amount of your screen time on devices that are easy on your eyes. A great example of this is Amazon’s Kindle device, which uses e-ink technology to digitally recreate ink on paper. The screens on these devices are so good, that you can read a book on the beach in bright, midday sun. And what more could you ask for?

Screens & Direct Light: A Poor Combination

If you don’t have an anti-glare screen, then the best option to reduce glare is to position your screen away from direct light.

For instance, do you have a desk at home that you work from, where your screen is directly facing a window? If yes, then during the daytime your screen will be subject to unnecessary glare. To resolve this, sit facing the window instead of having your back to it. This will mean that your screen is naturally shielded from the light coming in from the window.

This one change can provide significant benefits to your eyes and your ability to work for long periods of time.

The same is true for using any of your devices such as mobile phones, tablets and TVs. Try at all times to find the angle and place where the least amount of direct light is hitting the screens.

At this point, you may be wondering about your office.

They’ve allocated you a poor-quality screen, and unfortunately, it’s directly facing a large window that is letting in copious amounts of light. In other words – your screen is hellish!

Don’t despair though, as there a few things you can do:

  1. Ask for blinds or curtains to be fitted on the window, so you can control the amount of light coming in.
  2. Ask for a high-quality, anti-glare screen to be fitted at your desk.
  3. If the first two steps are declined, then ask to be moved to a desk that doesn’t have a screen that faces a window.

Your eyes are vitally important, and it’s essential that you have screens that are comfortable and easy to read.

A post shared by Desk Inspiration (@isetups) on Feb 28, 2017 at 4:54pm PST

Your Glasses May Be Adding to the Problem

If you need to wear glasses for reading when using a computer, then you may be incurring additional glare.

Fortunately, there is a quick and easy answer to this.

Make sure that the lenses in your glasses are treated with anti-reflective coating. Not only will the coating improve your optical experience when using a computer, you’ll also find that the coating helps with night driving too. Your vision will be clear and defined, and you’ll also see a reduction in eye fatigue.

If you’re considering placing an order for glasses through SelectSpecs, then, please note that we can offer anti-reflective coating FREE of charge with any Prescription lenses. (With the exception of standard tints.)

With the average person spending more and more time in front of screens – glare has become an ever-increasing problem.

Use the tips in this article to help protect your eyes from unnecessary glare. And remember, whatever screen you are using, take regular breaks from it.

Your eyes are precious. Be sure to look after them.


One response to “How to Protect Your Eyes from Screen Glare”

  1. Yes definitely glared spectacles help a lot. However would additionally be better to take artificial tears intermittently while working especially infront of the computer screens.