Festive Christmas Glasses as Worn by Santa

December is the Friday of the months. Although it might sound a little far-fetched, there is a grain of truth in this light-hearted statement. The official countdown to the festivities has already started and so has the shopping frenzy – from the presents for the loved ones to the special wine-and-dine menu and everything else inbetween. It is the magical time of the year, when the so-cherished myth of Santa re-emerges – the smiling old man who will give good boys and girls what they have wished for in their letters.

The Myth about St Nicholas

Well before the modern image of father Christmas was firmly engraved in the popular culture, a number of events had taken place, all of which stemmed from religious beliefs and interpretations. The central figure is that of Saint Nicholas. According to the mythology, Saint Nicholas was the bishop of Myra (southwestern Turkey) in the 4th century and was believed to do miracles to children and sailors. After his death in around 350 AD, he was canonised a saint, more notably the Patron Saint of Giving, as he would anonymously donate gold coins to people in need, and celebrations in his honour were held on 6th December. As a result, gift giving is linked to the name of Saint Nicholas.

However, at about the same time Pope Julius I wanted to allocate a date for the birth of Jesus, and he chose 25th December, which was also the day when pagan midwinter festivities took place. The intention behind this occurrence was purely to christianise the celebrations. The Saint of gift giving soon started to be connected to Christmas.



It was not until the early 19th century that a widespread taste for Christmas began. It was the interest that Americans showed in the Dutch immigrants’ tradition of Saint Nicholas. As there was growing enthusiasm for Saint Nicholas, Clement Moore, a professor of biblical languages at New York’s Episcopal Theological Seminary, wrote a poem entitled A Visit from St Nicholas in 1822. Initially written for the purpose of family entertainment, the poem became hugely successful, after being published anonymously in the Troy Sentinel, and it was reprinted umpteen times in 1823 under the title The Night Before Christmas. A considerable contribution to the image of Santa Claus was made by Thomas Nast, 19th century newspaper artist, who drew father Christmas in 1870 and the effigy has persisted ever since.

Santa’s Look

Even though the presence of Santa has multiplied in the run-up to Christmas, as there is one at every corner of the street, it is important to cast light on something very particular, and any man should be concerned. If you are going to dress up like father Christmas for the joy of the little ones you need to consider, along with the outfit, the glasses. Having Santa’s glasses will contribute to your overall appearance.

The white-bearded man from Lapland is pictured or drawn wearing different types of specs – rimless, round, medium-sized – and you should get yours. What makes the purchase of Santa’s glasses special is that you can wear them well after all the enchantment is gone, which provides a solid argument into having a new pair of eyewear. If you have been considering changing your glasses, then this is the perfect time for getting all-year-round-and-especially-Christmas-time glasses. To the man of taste, who changes his appearance from ordinary to spectacular in almost no time, here are a few very-Santa-glasses models:



Get this santa look with some classic round rimless glasses like these ones from Try Change.

Try Change TH001



Whatever type of glasses you choose to complete your Santa costume, make sure this is done in style and accompanied by a bright, festive smile for a very merry Christmas.

Oakley OX3144 Spoke


Stylish half-rimmed glasses by Oakley for contemporary after-Christmas and all-year-round look.