Oakley Superfan and YouTube User EyeSpy0099 has produced a few videos on his channel that caught our attention. This helpful fellow in Miami, Florida produces video reviews and features on guns, knives and Oakley Sunglasses (amongst other things).
Needless to say, he really knows his stuff when it comes to Oakley sunglasses and he’s certainly not short on choice when it comes to deciding what sunglasses to wear for the day. His Oakley Sunglasses collection is something to behold.
Okay, so some of these videos are a little old now and some models featured may be discontinued by now, but the information featured is still pretty solid and certainly relevant for people looking to find out a bit more before making a purchase.
Below, we have cherry-picked a small selection of his videos which are especially useful, with general FAQ style information and some really nice information for people who are trying to decide what sort of lens options to go for, especially the differences between Iridium and Non-Iridium lenses and how they work with different frame styles.
General Oakley FAQ Video
This video is a good source of general information on various Oakley Sunglasses products based on questions that EyeSpy0099 has been receiving through his YouTube channel.
Can You See My Eyes? Oakley Iridium Lenses
In this video he talks mainly about the various Iridium Lenses that Oakley offer and how they work with various frame styles.
Oakley’s Iridium lenses have a more reflective surface – almost mirror-like in some cases. These might be the lens of choice if you’re looking to hide your eyes, but there are some things to consider such as frame shape or the colour of the tint that can effect this as explained in the video.
Oakley Non-Iridium Lenses – Yes, You Can See My Eyes
In this follow-up video he goes into more detail about Oakley’s Non-Iridium lenses, with non-reflective surface, which in general can allow other people to see your eyes.
Check Out His Oakley Sunglasses Collection
Finally, if you still haven’t had enough Oakley by this point, you might like to see some of his impressive Oakley collection of Sunglasses, which also includes some special editions and rare colour options. Considering this video was made in 2012, we expect it will be much larger by now!
Do You Have an Oakley Collection You’d Like to Share?
If you have an Oakley collection of glasses or sunglasses you are proud of and would like to share with us, no matter how big or small, why not post a picture on our facebook page or share your own video on our facebook wall.
Don’t be shy, no collection of Oakley’s is too small in our eyes.
One response to “Can You See My Eyes? – A Guide to Oakley Sunglass Lenses by Oakley Superfan EyeSpy0099”
Hi,i had a pair of oakley m frame (mumbo’s) in the early 1990s,i was watching cricket and when the cricketer turned his head,the lenses changed colour,i managed to find a pair,the shop had cheap ones and the ones i had were expensive about £120,they were locked up in a cabinet,i have seen the original m frames for sale but i dont know what the lenses are called,when i ask they think i mean that the lenses can be changed but i know that,its the lenses that are dark and when you turn your head to the side they go different colours,everyone loved them but one day i left them on the sofa and the Rottie chewed them,i just cannot find what the lenses are called,i have lots of designer sunglasses but i would sell all of them to buy some oakleys like the ones i had,hope you can help,thank you,Jane.