Product Reviews on SelectSpecs

Ray-Ban RB5184 Prescription Glasses - Add Review

With literally thousands of prescription glasses or designer sunglasses to choose from on SelectSpecs, it can be a daunting task to pick out the best of the best.  Thankfully our site allows customers to give product reviews and star ratings to anything we sell.  Hopefully with the help of other customer reviews, you may be able to make an informed choice when selecting which glasses or sunglasses you should buy.

Alternatively, you could do your good deed for the day by rating and reviewing any products you have purchased or already own yourself.  Why not pass on your personal experiences of of those wicked sunglasses that you can’t leave the house without, or even tell us which ones to avoid..

If you love your glasses, tell us here, and tell us why you love them and what makes them so great.  If you hate them, then let us know in your reviews and tell us why you don’t like them – remember that different customers have different needs, so even if you think a pair of glasses are not that great in a certain area, that might be exactly what someone else is actually looking for.

Reviewing products on our site not only helps other customers but it also helps us to determine if particular models have a problem so that we we can try to avoid stocking future models which may experience the same problems.


Ray-Ban RB5184 Reviews


If you want to add your own review to any of our products, why not take a look at the helpful little video below from our series of “How To…” videos designed to help you find your way around our site, buy glasses or sunglasses and best of all, save lots and lots of money.

Make sure to head over to the SelectSpecs YouTube Channel to keep up-to-date with all the latest video updates and future tutorial videos due over the coming months – and don’t forget to subscribe.