Get the preppy look with the help of two of the stars of Skins, who are featured in a photo shoot for Now Magazine wearing glasses from SelectSpecs. Laya Lewis and Jessica Sula who play Liv and Grace in the hit E4 television series show you how to ace the current college fashion trend.
Following on from our recent Avril Lavigne post, which inspired OK magazine to do a piece on our glasses, we sent some glasses off to Now magazine for their latest Fashion Q&A: How Do I Work The Preppy Look?
The shoot also includes a couple of Ray-Ban Designer glasses worn by the stunning actresses including the always-popular Ray-Ban Wayfarer
You can see Skins (series five) at 10pm, Thursday nights on E4
Get the Glasses Here
If you’re on a tight budget and want the preppy look with a Wayfarer style frame, these Savannah 2249 glasses are available from just £6 (yes, £6), including Lenses and all the coatings! (Also available with Red, Blue or White arms).
Or go for one of our best selling wayfarer styled frames, the SS Collection 92002b available from only £39.99
If you’re after the Real McCoy the Ray-Ban RX5121 Original Wayfarer is one of, if not THE best selling designer prescription frames on SelectSpecs, available from £93.96… Alternatively, the RX5184 New Wayfarer might be your style.
See the article in full in Now Magazine dated 14th March 2011 – available now from all good newsagents (and some bad ones).