5 Modern Ophthalmic Instruments

The field of ophthalmology today uses some of the most high-tech pieces of medical equipment on the market. The development of sophisticated laser and digital imaging technology has made the job of optic surgeons easier and has led to safer and more effective eye treatment methods. The following five ophthalmic instruments are among the most advanced and commonly used instruments in the field of ophthalmology.

>Retinal Camera

Autofocus Fundus Camera

The retinal camera, or fundus camera, is a highly specialized, low-power microscope equipped with a camera and designed to take pictures of the eye’s interior surface, allowing doctors to take a close look at the patient’s retina, macula, optic disc, posterior pole and other parts of the eye. Today’s retinal cameras are equipped with digital cameras that provide high definition photographs for doctors to examine. Data obtained from retinal cameras helps ophthalmologists diagnose and monitor the progression of eye diseases.

Photocoagulation Laser

Laser photocoagulation is a kind of eye surgery that is used in the treatment of various eye diseases, including different types of retinopathy and macular degeneration. The most commonly used photocoagulation laser is the Nd: YAG laser (Nd: YAG stands for “neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet”, the crystal used to generate the laser). The Nd: YAG laser allows ophthalmologists to make ultra-precise, consistent cuts during surgery without damaging the healthy eye tissue surrounding the targeted area.

Corneal Cell Counter

A corneal cell counter is another type of advanced imaging microscope used by ophthalmologists to examine a patient’s internal eye structures. Unlike the retinal camera, however, a corneal cell counter employs advanced spatial techniques to render the images it takes as three-dimensional structures. Ophthalmologists can then use these 3D renditions to analyze and monitor diseases. Many of today’s corneal cell counters can also conduct automatic cell-analyses and other analytical functions to help detect ailments.

Wavefront Aberrometer

Wavefront Aberrometer

A wavefront aberrometer is a piece of equipment that combines several different imaging technologies, including pupillometry, keratometry, wavefront imaging, autorefraction and topography. The job of the wavefront aberrometer is to detect aberrations in the eye. The images obtained are displayed on an LCD screen at high-contrast, so that the aberrations can be more easily pinpointed and analyzed.

Laser Ophthalmoscope

Handheld Ophthalmoscope
You’re probably familiar with ophthalmoscopes. They’re those small, handheld devices the doctors use to shine a light into your eyes during routine physical exams. The ophthalmoscope allows doctors to take a look inside your eye to make sure it looks healthy. Laser ophthalmoscopes are upgraded versions of traditional microscopes that use laser light for increased detail and accuracy.