Valentine’s Day Sexy Specs Survey

It’s pink and it’s 24 hours long – yes, it’s nearly Valentine’s Day again. It’s the one day of the year when we feel compelled to make wild gestures of love and devotion before reverting to normal behaviour for the other 364 days.  But hey, love does make the world go round so we’re all for a bit of passion and pampering to inject some fun into a cold winter’s day.

What we’re really interested in is whether you find the opposite sex attractive if they are wearing glasses.  Do you think wearing specs is a handicap in the quest for romance or really a symbol of hidden passions? Do men actually make passes at girls who wear glasses because of the “sexy librarian” fantasy?  Are women more attracted to men in specs because they look intelligent and kind?

We’d love to know what you think. It’s just a bit of fun and you could be rewarded with a £50 voucher to spend on a pair of our prescription glasses for your trouble. Just answer the questions below before 21st January.

Complete the Valentine’s Day Sexy Specs Survey here.