As a child growing up in the 80’s, I used to absolutely love the 80’s action TV series “The A-Team” alongside other favourites including Street Hawk and Airwolf, there was something great about how rediculously unrealistic the show was especially when B.A. Baracus drives a clapped out old van into a shed only to re-appear looking like an armoured tank with missile launchers and guns attached – seriously, where did they get the equipment to build such a beast?
Since growing up a little, I’ve caught a few glimpses of The A-Team series and it’s just not the same anymore, for a start it looks dated and the story lines are just plain rediculous, so when I heard they were finally going to make a movie based on the almost 30 year old series I was both delighted and shocked by the prospect – Initial thoughts were it was likely to be just as rediculous as the series, so watching the movie and seeing a helicopter do a barrel roll just confirmed my worst fears! Fortunately, even with moments of rediculousness, the film was an easy to watch and entertaining popcorn flick worthy of 90 minutes of my time.
The movie remake stars Liam Neeson (Taken) as Colonel Hannibal Smith, Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) as Lt. “Faceman” Peck, Quinton Jackson as B.A. Baracus, and Sharlto Copley (District 9) as Captain H.M. Murdoch. The film follows the exciting and daring exploits of a colorful team of former Special Forces soldiers who were set up for a crime they did not commit. Going “rogue,” they utilize their unique talents to try and clear their names and find the true culprit.
Sunglasses from The A-Team
A few of the characters are seen in the movie wearing various styles of sunglasses.
Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper wears a Wayfarer style frame in several scenes, one pair with clear and another with purple tinted lenses.
Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel wears the John Varvatos V723 sunglasses.
Quinton Jackson
Quinton Jackson wears the Oakley Antix sunglasses