Retro/Funky Sunglasses for the Summer Festival Season

Summer Music Festivals Wow, it’s that time of year again and the good ole British summer is finally upon us, and in typical British fashion, it’s raining!  Thankfully British summertime is gifted by a deluge of summer music festivals and other summer events around the country that are sure to keep everyone happy whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling. Festival events such as Glastonbury or V-Festival offer a great opportunity to dress to impress with a funky outfit finished off with a great pair of stylish sunglasses (or perhaps a stylish pair of wellies).  Obviously being in the eyewear industry we are particularly interested in what sunglasses to wear to a major summer event that will not only help you to look uber cool but will also do a fine job of protecting your eyes from damaging UV rays from the the harsh summer sunshine (and even if it’s cloudy). Everyone’s fashion tastes are different but the most obvious style to wear for your typical music festival event is the the classic festival eye wear of choice, the Retro style.  Big on statement and bold on colour!

Retro, and other Funky styles

The classic festival choice has to be, as always, the wayfarer style frame, it’s been worn by rock gods and other celebrity icons for the past 50 years!  Essentially the style has stayed the same since it’s original incarnation in the 50’s, however, the style is no longer limited to just boring black or tortoise shell, it’s now available in a vast number of bright vibrant colour styles including reds, blues and yellows, perfect for the extroverted festival goer and fashion fanatic! (displayed below: Ray-Ban RB2132) wayfarer sunglasses Not only are bright vivid colours the order of the day for festival goers, sunglasses with a slightly different shape to the norm could also be considered worthy festival wear, take these heart shape glasses for example. heartglasses Made famous by Kanye West his Summer 2007 music video, Stronger, these Shutter or Grill styled shades are still popular today and are bound to be sported by many at a festival near you this year!  These shades may look cool but as they don’t have lenses they offer no protection whatsoever against UV damage. shutter shades Finally, here are some other great examples of retro or funky styles that you may want to consider for a festival this year. retro Not sure the Retro / Funky style is you? No worries!  Next time we will be taking a look at a selection of oversize / Bug-eyed styled sunglasses that are perfect for summer festivals, followed by the iconic aviator style.  Check back here later for new blog posts! Looking to buy a pair of Retro / Funky style Sunglasses? We are listing a unique selection of sunglasses we think will make a perfect accessory for any reveler attending one of the great summer festivals of 2009.  So if you’re heading to Glastonbury or V-Festival, why not check out our recommended choices and more at our Fashion Sunglasses for Summer Festivals area.