£50 Twitter Competition Winner Announced!!!

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Well done to twitter user @garlicdog who is the winner of our first Twitter competition.  We will be sending you a £50 voucher for glasses or sunglasses via Direct Message in twitter shortly.

Thank you to everyone who entered, sorry, but on this occasion there could only be one winner, but don’t lose heart if you didn’t win as we really do appreciate all of our followers, so keep your eyes on our twitter feed for a very special announcement very soon.  What is more, I’m sure we will be running similar twitter based competitions in the future and hopefully we’ll be able to give away more prizes next time.

Once again, congratulations @garlicdog – that is an unusual user name, but I’m sure there’s some explanation behind it?


If you’re new to twitter and don’t want to miss out things like this in the future you can follow us by going to http://twitter.com/SelectSpecs and pressing the big “Join today!” button to sign up for an account.