New Article: Learn about the Anatomy of the Eye

Following on from a recent post regarding our glasses guide – guide to buying glasses online article, we have now posted a new article for those interested in learning a little bit about the structure of the eye, this article covers the following areas:

  • Cornea
  • Aqueous
  • Iris
  • Crystalline Lens
  • Sclera
  • Choroid
  • Retina
  • Vitreous
  • Optic Nerve

To read more, please view the article found here: glasses guide – guide to buying glasses online


3 responses to “New Article: Learn about the Anatomy of the Eye”

  1. I’ve bought two pairs of prescription eyeglasses from I am buying some prescription sunglasses from them, in the next few days. I will never buy another pair of glasses from anywhere else. Yes, I had to wait a month for each pair. But, they were well worth the wait. And, what a great value! There’s just no need to pay retail price at optical stores. Their prices are insane. I wholeheartedly recommend

  2. Thanks for the kind words Darla. I’ve taken your comment and added it to our Testimonials page. 🙂

  3. Sorry you had to wait so long for your glasses Darla. It is unusual that customers have to wait as long as that. Hopefully next time you will get them much quicker.